I designed this tattoo for Rae Lorimer. In chinese astrology her husband is a snake and she is a rooster. She said she'd love something custom designed with a snake entwined with the rooster, representing the age old battle of the sexes. But still conveys their love for one another. Copyright Sam Phillips www.samphillips.co.nz
This is a gypsy tattoo half sleeve I designed for Emma Wilkie. Emma asked me to design a gypsy with an anatomical heart incorporated in the design somewhere and also to have an eye on one of her palms. Copyright Sam Phillips www.samphillips.co.nz
I designed this tattoo styled illustration for Miguel Couturier. It is for is clothing label in france called "Le Diable est un Ange" Copyright Sam Phillips www.samphillips.co.nz
I designed this gypsy image for Janine Bella Ruiz. She is going to use it as her company logo. The word Gitana is Spanish for gypsy. All rights to this image belong to Janine Bella Ruiz.