I've just started a new clothing side project with New Zealand themed designs. You can check them out at http://foundinnz.printmighty.co.nz Also Available, fantail and monarch butterfly garments.
When I was around 11 years old I use to draw a superhero that I made up called 'Falcon Man' I think its about time I reserected this Hero but with a more medievil flavour this time. Stay Tuned!
I designed this gypsy style tattoo for Max Fairclough. The head is that of singer 'Lights Poxleitner' and the script is from a song called 'Happiness by the Kilowatt' by Alexisonfire. Copyright Sam Phillips www.samphillips.co.nz
I designed these fantail tattoos for Rimu Tahuaroa. Rimu asked for one to be shaded red and the other to be a light blue colour. They are going on the back of each arm, one on each side just above the elbow.