Dave Smith from (San Diego, CA) asked me to design a red winged black bird in the same style as the two birds I designed for Alex Classen. And with the words Ad Astra Per Aspera. Which means "Through hardships to the stars" Copyright Sam Phillips www.samphillips.co.nz
This is a t-shirt I designed for "Creative HQ" to give to their clients for 2011. (The year of the rabbit) We printed 120 t-shirts of this design at Print Mighty.
Sailor and his love back home. Tattoo Design for Amy-Lee Healey, Adelaide, AUS. The Compass Points its way home to her. And she is anchored on the beach, waiting for his return. Copyright Sam Phillips www.samphillips.co.nz
Lock and key pair tattoo design I designed for Lauren Evans (USA) and her other half. He wanted a more death metal style key and lauren wanted her locket to be more delecate while still relating well to the key.